Jervis B. Webb Company

Consorcio Capital is the only mexican Jervis B. Webb Company licensee. Under the licensee contract we are allowed to design, manufacture and install Webb material handling equipment, conveyor systems among others.

Jervis B. Webb Company is the world leader supplying durable material handling equipment including Automated Guided Vehicles or AGVs, conveyors, baggage handling equipment and Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems or AS/RSs. The Webb systems are the backbone of hundreds of manufacturing plants, airports and warehouses. Webb is a subsidiary of Daifuku Co. Ltd., and since 2007 they are part of one of the world greatest material handling companies.

Smarteye Corporation

Since 1981, Smarteye has being the leader supplying systems, services, and automatization products in the manufacturing plants. Giving the material handling industry, high performance routing systems, localization systems and soon they were recognized as the specialist in automatic product identification, industrial control, routing, localization and management information.

Consorcio Capital is Smarteye products distributor in Mexico. Specialist in product automatic identification, localization and routing inside a manufacturing facility.